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xiongzifei    等级  

楼主 发表于  2021/7/8 18:56:38    编 辑   

1、房屋信息:【地点】北京市东城区安定门内大街。【交通状况】距离地铁二号线安定门地铁站步行七八分钟,距离五号线北新桥地铁站骑行五分钟,门口是方家胡同公交车站,交通非常便利。【周边环境】离国子监、孔庙、雍和宫、地坛、钟鼓楼、南锣都很近,街上餐馆林立,超市购物方便,各路美食荟萃,生活气息浓厚,物价低。周边有五中二十二中,分司厅小学等学校,距离地坛公园、五道营胡同、地坛体育馆等休闲场所也很近,业余时间绝不担心荒废。北京二环里的生活体验你值得拥有!【房屋状况】房子是2020年下半年修缮装修的,自家私有独立封闭小院,安静,采光好。共有三套房可出租,其中两套是loft结构,面积在50-60平方米,厨卫家电设施齐全。百年古建修旧如旧,传统木结构+现代设计,功能齐全。【设备】各种生活设施房东均可根据租客需求添置【类型】四合院平房loft【面积】50平米  2、【出租价格】6500元起/套(有三套 价格分别为6500、7000、7500 可小刀)【支付方式】押一付三【由租房者支付的费用】水电网自费。3、对租房者的要求【性别】不限【学历】无要求。【其他要求】不扰民。 4、出租者信息 【是否是房东】是,直接和房东签合同 【联系方式】 13621147128 范女士
Loft in Andingmen Hutong for rentLocation: 5 minutes’ walk to Andingmen subway station (line 2); Close to Wudaoying Hutong, Confucius Temple, Yonghe Lama Temple, Ditan, Bell Tower, and Drum Tower. Dynamic neighborhood ideal for a taste of local life.Walking distance to many restaurants, bars, markets, stores, gyms.
Condition and appliances: Historic building remodeled a year ago with traditional wooden structure and modern design. Great natural light through floor-to-ceiling windows along with 4-meter height making the place very spacious. (Approx.50 square meters per suite) Independent kitchen, bathroom. Shared courtyard and rooftop. Air-conditioning and furniture are available. (Other appliances negotiable )
Rent: 3 suites for rent, of which 2 are loft structures. Average monthly rent:6000-7000 RMB, pay 1 deposit 3. Utility not included.Contact: tel 13621147128 Ms Fan
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